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Config File

If config location isn't specified, Pingpong will use ./config/pingpong.toml based on executable's path, or /etc/pingpong/pingpong.toml.

Here is configuration for Pingpong. See Pingora's here.


Pingpong use toml for its config. Import is pioneeringly allowed. For importable item, you can use import = path/to/another/file.toml.

See examples here.

Config Items

  • version: Optional, the version of the config, currently it is a constant 1;
  • pid_file: Optional, the path to the pid file;
  • upgrade_sock: Optional, the path to the upgrade socket;
  • threads: Optional, number of threads per service;
  • user: Optional, the user the pingora server should be run under after daemonization;
  • group: Optional, the group the pingora server should be run under after daemonization;
  • client_bind_to_ipv4: Optional, source IPv4 addresses to bind to when connecting to server;
  • client_bind_to_ipv6: Optional, source IPv6 addresses to bind to when connecting to server;
  • ca_file: Optional, The path to the root CA file;
  • work_stealing: Optional, Enable work stealing runtime (default true). See Pingora runtime (WIP) section for more info;
  • upstream_keepalive_pool_size: Optional, The number of total connections to keep in the connection pool.
  • log.access: Optional, The path to the access log file, default to terminal;
  • log.error: Optional, The path to the error log file, default to terminal;
  • server: Map<Port, Server>, Importable, port is filled as a string but will be converted to u16. See Server's definition here.

Released under the GPL-3.0 License.